How to create a description or zero dollar item


There may be some scenarios where you need to add a description or zero dollar item to an invoice. Such as a Work Performed item used to show the details of services performed for your customer. You’ll need to create that item before it can be added to invoices. This is done by users on FieldEdge web.

Use the instructions below to learn how to create a zero dollar item.



FieldEdge users with the Dispatcher, Manager, or Admin role can create items. This item will be created in both FieldEdge and QuickBooks.

1. From FieldEdge web click the Items list, from the menu on the left.

2. Click Add Item in the top right corner.

3. Choose Non Inventory Part from the Type drop-down box.

4. Enter a display name in the Item Name/Number field. For example, “Work Performed.”

  • Note: The Item Name/Number has a 31 character limit.

5. Choose Non from the Sales Tax Code drop-down box.

6. In the Description on Sales Forms enter a default description that will appear on invoices when this item is added.

  • Note: This is the description that is typically changed on each invoice, to show a description of what was performed or next steps.

Optional: Select a Category from the drop-down box. This will make the item easier to find when searching from mobile.

7. When you have finished configuring the Item, click Create to add it to FieldEdge.

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